Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Cacti and Succulents

Posted: September 23, 2011 in Uncategorized

I am too lazy to look up all the proper scientific names right now… so these are either common names or names I’ve made up.

Blue Giant

Succulent Cacti Dish

Some aloe I stole from my parents and Mammory Cacti (Common name thimble cactus but I call it this to remember it’s scientific name: Mammillaria gracilis var. fragilis)

Variegated Elephant Bush – might possibly take over the planter

Nursery… I finally got the iceplants to root!  And I LOVE the way the Mammory cuttings look like octopus arms!!

Christmas Cacti with lots of new red leaves

Some crazy succulent that grows on mountains in Brazil… will look into this one more… used to be thought of as a euphorbia (Pencil Cacti)

My Precious (yes that is it’s name) Gollum Jade

One of my many climbing succulents – Hoya carnosa variegated

Rope Hoya

Pink-Silver Hoya… I call her Meddle… after one of my most obsessed over bands: Pink Floyd.

Plant Babies

Posted: September 8, 2011 in Uncategorized

I’m sure you all have noticed how obsessive I am about my interests… So lets skip the witty banter, where I pretend to be embarrassed while you all make fun of my nerdiness (which I, not-so-secretly, think of as coolness)… and skip right to MORE pictures of my plant babies. 

I’m also a hopeless nurturer… SOOO if you would like me to make you a plant baby… this plant hussy would LOVE nothing more than to procreate for you.   🙂

Hoya carnosa  ‘Krimson Queen’ – variegated leaves with light pink flowers

Krimson Queen

Hoya compacta ‘Regalis’ –variegated leaves that form curled long ropes with light pink flowers


Hoya lacunosa ‘Ruby Sue’–small, dark green leaves with prominent leave bracts and tiny fuzzy cream colored flowers

Hoya australis ssp. australis
–large vining green leaves with white flowers when blooming   


Hoya publicalyx ‘Pink-Silver’ –large silver speckled leaves with darker pink flower clusters… I named her Meddle. 🙂


Hoya blashernaezzi
–yellow blooming variety with large lime green leaves (pictures SOON)
Hoya carnosa ‘Krinkle 8’ – green leaves with 8 dimples and light pink flowers

Scindapsus aureus
‘Marble Queen’ (boring old variegated Ivy) If you want some… I have TONS of regular and variegated!  Seriously… take some.

Schlumbergera bridgesii ‘Christmas Cactus’ –Thanks Amber! Still pretty little… slow growing and has not bloomed with the characteristic pretty hot pink flowers.

Mammillaria fragilis ‘Thimble Cactus’ (this scientific name always makes me think of mammaries, and then I giggle in a juvenile kind of way)

Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Pencil Cactus’ or ‘Milkbush’ –Thanks Misti! (poisonous sap that SOMETIMES causes severe allergic reactions in humans.)  I warned my boys never to touch this plant and they apparently, in turn, warned their Grandad… because several weeks later as we were coming home and walking past the plant Riley tattled… “Grandad touched the poisonous plant mom!”  And Lathan chimed in, “and he didn’t die.”

I have also started cuttings of my Cephalophyllum speciosum ‘Ice Plant’ … not really sure if they are going to make it!

Ice Plant (left, front)